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Bienvenue, to my e-portfolio. This website will consist of everything i think, and feel is me. From my inspirations, to my thoughts and ideas and (saving the best for last) my brain children.


My people tell me I'm somewhat of a complexed individual, with a different way of thinking, and reacting to situations but I think everyone is the same in that sense. Different levels of emotional sensitivity and awareness make us such way and that is art. Art is expressive, emotional, vulnerable and complexed. I am art and you are art. Whatever we taste, feel, touch and see is art. Art is life. Art is everything. For those who disagree and think that the orthodox way is the one and only way, I have nothing but this to ask of you, proceed with a open mind full of endless possibilities,a  heart full of love and acceptance and, a soul ,strong yet compassionate enough to accept and contemplate my feelings and thoughts.


I'm breaking down the website into subsections.  2D- Designs, Creative Thinking Skills, Photography, Fashion, and Writing. I will try my best to be as detailed as possible. However, if you have any thoughts or questions, do feel free to reach out to me on my social media platforms. ( all of which you can find at the bottom of this page).


I hope this page inspires you and helps you grow as a person.


Beaucoup d'amour.




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